Privacy Policy

piercejc81 avatar


Effective date: September 12, 2023

What information do we collect?

We do not collect personal or sensitive information.
We do not collect identifiers.
We do not collect commercial information.
We do not collect biometric information.
We do not collect internet or network activity.
We do not collect geolocation data.
We do not collect images, audio, recordings, or similar information.
We do not collect professional or employment-related information.
We do not collect education information.
We do not collect information based on personal preferences or characteristics to create profiles or summaries about users of this App.

How do we process your information?
We do not collect your information; therefore, we do not process it.

What legal bases do we rely on to process your information?
We do not collect your information, therefore by default we meet the standards of provincial/state, country laws and policies related to privacy.   We do not collect or process your personal information.

When and with whom do we share your personal information?
We do not collect or process your personal information therefore we are unable to share it with anyone at any time.

How long do we keep your personal information?
We do not collect or process your personal information therefore we are unable to keep it.

How do we keep your information safe?
Your personal information is safe within Phonics Fun because we do not collect or process it.

What are your privacy rights?
You do have the right to access and obtain a copy of your personal information.  However, we do not have it therefore there is nothing to provide. 

By downloading the app, you consent to downloading and using the app. You can remove your consent at anytime by uninstalling the app from your device.

Contact information
For any questions related to the privacy policy, you can contact us at

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